Enrollment options

Course image Environmental and Social Performance Standard 7: Indigenous Peoples- Edition 5
Environmental and social risk management

At the Inter-American Development Bank, we are convinced that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean can transform their development trajectories, so that they are more sustainable and can improve the lives of their citizens. For this reason, on September 16, 2020, the IDB approved the new Environmental and Social Policy Framework, which modernizes our safeguard policies and guides the management of socio-environmental risks in all our projects. 

In this virtual course you will have the opportunity to learn about the new performance standard 7 on indigenous peoples. Through readings, audiovisual material, and tests, you will be able to understand the importance of ensuring that IDB projects respect the human rights, dignity, aspirations, and culture of indigenous peoples; avoid, minimize, or compensate for adverse impacts on their environments; and promote sustainable development opportunities consistent with their culture. 

Join the effort to study the context of indigenous peoples and the drive for their development in our region! 

Enrollment start date:  January 6 

Registration closing date: June 29

If you have any problems self-enrolling in the course, contact us at INDES HELP.

Self enrolment
Self enrolment