Enrollment options

Course image Behavioral Economics for Better Public Policies - Edition 11
Behavioral economics

In recent years, an increasing number of governments and policymakers have come to realize that, in order for public policies to be truly successful, they must consider how individuals behave and make decisions. 

Based on this idea, this course aims to teach you key concepts of behavioral economics and how they differ from the notions of the standard economic model. The course also introduces tools that can help promote a better decision making and reviews cases from real interventions in which these nudges were used to improve public policies in Latin American countries, and other parts of the world.

Registration deadline: August, 27th 2024

Starting date: September, 3rd 2024 

Completion deadline: October, 14th 2024 

Content: 4 modules.

Weekly time commitment: approximately, 3 to 6 hours of study.

Approval requisite: an 80%, or above, performance level.

If you have any problems self-enrolling in the course, please contact us at INDES HELP.

Self enrolment
Self enrolment